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She is about her business!

Meet Ruby Mae Moore, 24 years old Editor-in-Chief and founder of Amor Magazine.

She embarked on this amazing journey approaching 5 years ago now, and it has been so rewarding!

We interviewed her to find out what motivated her to start her own magazine and get to know the woman behind such an inspiring magaizne.

Q. What ignited the spark in you to start a new business venture or to make significant changes in an existing business? How did the idea for your business come about?

A. I wanted to create a platform that was going to promote race equality – there isn’t one magazine out there that is aimed at all ethnic groups and I am quite embarrassed by this, so I thought to create one myself. Amor is just a vehicle to encourage women to come together, do business with one another and be inspired by other likeminded women which is why we are always showcasing different women’s stories.

Q. Why the name Amor what is special about the word and what does it means to you?

A.I wish there was a story behind the name… Most people think Amor is linked to my last name – but that is just a coincidence. I liked the name Amor – it means love in many languages, it sounds girlie, it sounds like an existing magazine – so it just works!

Q. When did you realize you wanted to publish your own magazine?

A. I realised I wanted to publish my own magazine when I realised one day all of my friends were reading different magazines, because we are from varying ethnic groups.

Q. Describe the general process you go through to releasing the magazine every two months.

A. The editors present their ideas for their section to me, and I approve or disapprove. The editors then give the ideas to the writers and the journos then go away and create the articles and send them back to the editor, for their review. Once the editors make their changes to the articles, they then send them to me. The graphic designer and I then go through the articles and make the pages – the pages are then sent back to the editors for them to approve and then the proof reader and I give it a once over again and then we send to print.

Q. What are some of your accomplishments so far?

A. One of the biggest accomplishments that hasn’t actually happened yet, but it will be once it takes place is the Amor Lifestyle Awards. The #ALAwards2016 will take place in a few months. The awards is about celebrating the young woman and her achievements in the creative industries. I hope the awards promote good business with women and encourage strong ties.

Q. Where can readers find out more about you and the brand? Where to buy and where to get updates?

A. We are on all of the social networking sites @amormagazineuk #ALAwards2016, our website is updated daily and for personal info, my instagram and twitter is the best places to catch me on @TheRubyMaeMoore.

The magazine is available in universities and health clinics, but if our distribution sites are not accessible, then the magazine can be ordered online to be delivered to their home address. All the Amorelles are paying for is the postage and packaging – the magazine is still free.

Q. What three pieces of advice would you give to anyone who want to do what you are doing?

A. TARGET MARKET: Work out who your readers are – what do they like doing, what are they interested in.

USP: Work out what is your Unique Selling Point? Why should your target market read your magazine or plug into your brand rather than your competitors.

PASSION: Starting a business or brand is hard. In the beginning you probably wont see a profit – your passion has to keep you motivated when the finances aren’t adding up.

Q. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

A. I would have got my hands on funding before I started. My business was self funded and in the early stages it took everything out of me.

Q. What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

A. Consistency, creativity, self-belief.

Q. What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?

A. When we first started the magazine, we received a lot of publicity. We were feature on the BBC, The Telegraph, Huffington Post etc… and we wasn’t ready for it. I wasn’t ready for the interview questions, I wasn’t ready to be in the limelight and it wasn’t as beneficial as it should have been for us. I learnt from this that, most of us need media training and your product also needs to be ready to capitalise on the publicity.

Q. Have you wanted to give up? If so how long do you stick with an idea before giving up?

A. Amor is probably the only thing I haven’t given up on… I am quite an impatient person. If I didn’t believe in the Amor brand the way I do, I would have dropped it years ago!

Q. How many hours do you work a day on average?

A. When I started the magazine, I used to work a 20 hour day. Now, things are a lot more relaxed and I’ve managed to find a good balance between my work and personal life.

Q. How has being an entrepreneur affected your personal life?

A. It affects the type of people you attract, your friendships, the conversations you have. Entrepreneurs need to remember they are also human beings too. Some times have fun and forget about your empire, sometimes just live in the moment and enjoy the company you have.

Q. What motivates you?

A. A better life. Freedom. To provide. To change people’s lives.

Q. How do you define success?A. I think the true measurement of success is by how many people’s lives you add value to. If you add value to a good number of people’s lives – I believe that is a success.

Q. Who has been your greatest inspiration?

A. I’m inspired by so many people and situations. There is no one specific I am inspired by – I’m inspired daily by people I don’t even know.

Q. Where you see yourself and your business in 10 years? 20 years?

A. I just want to continue building the Amor brand, releasing the magazines, putting on the awards annually and carrying out specialised masterclasses.

We want to thank you Ruby for your time, and really pleased to ge to know you better. We look forward to all futrure magazines and all the success in to acheiving all your dreams.

I am sure you will all agree after reading this that SHE IS THAT GIRL.


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